Easy English Spelling Bee! Quiz 100% Result - Quiz Help

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Easy English Spelling Bee! Quiz 100% Result

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Easy English Spelling Bee! Quiz 100% Result

Q 1. How do you tell someone a secret
WIthout being overheard ?

  • Wisper
  • Wispa
  • Whisper
  • Whispar

Q 2. Queen Elizabeth II lives in
  • palice
  • palaze
  • palace
  • palase
Q 3. How do you spell the bird in this
  • Hummingbird
  • Humminbird
  • Humingbird
  • Hummungbird
Q4. Where are this couple having dinner
  • Arestuarant
  • A cafetaria
  • A cafeteria
  • A restaurant
Q5. What do you call the head teacher of a school?

  • Priciple
  • Principal
  • Prinicipal
  • Principle
Q6. What do you call someone who doesn’t eat meat?
  • vegitarian
  • vegtarian
  • vegetarien
  • vegetarian

Q7. Who makes sure that everyone follow the rules in abgame of football?

  • riferee
  • refiree
  • refere
  • referee

Q8. What is the name for a small town in the countryside?

  • A villege Offline
  • A village
  • A vilage
  • A vellage
Q9. What do you call a very large snake? 
  • Pythyn
  • Python
  • Pithon
  • Pithyn
Q10. What do you call a country which is different fromnyour own?

  • Foreign
  • Foriegn
  • Foreigen
  • Forein
Q11. In English we use contractions to make two words into one. Which of these contractions is incorrect?
  • shouldn’t
  • won’t
  • willn’t
  •  can’t

Q.12. What do you call somebody who steals things?
  • Tief
  • Theif
  • Thief
  • Theef

Q 13. In which geographical region is Bermuda situated?
  • The Carribbean
  • The Caribean
  • The Caribbean
  •  The Carribean

Q14. Where would you go to bid for an item?
  • An autcian
  • An auction
  •  An auctien
  • An auctian

Q15. What do you call the piece of paper you receive when you buy something?
  • Reiceipt
  • Receipt
  • Receit
  • Reciept
Q16. Do you know the difference between effect and affect? Which one of these sentences is correct?
  • Her encouragement had a good affect on his self-esteem
  • The teacher had a good effect on the boy’s grades
  •  Jogging will have a good affect on her health
  • Leaving the lights on will effect your energy bill

Q17. How do you spell the vegetable pictured here?
  • Brocolli
  • Brocoli
  • Broccoll
  • Broccoli

Q18. You should wear a helmet when you ride your…
  • bicicle
  • bicycle
  •  bycycle
  • bycicle

Q19. Shakespeare is the world’s most famous
  • playwrite
  • playright
  • playwreight
  • playwright
Q20. Many people get confused about when to use ‘some’, ‘any’, ‘no’ and ‘none’. Can you ll
in the blank? We don’t have     coffee left?

  • no
  • none
  • any
  • some
Q21. Which month does Valentine’s day fall on?
  • Febrary
  • Febraury
  • February
  • Februry

Q22. Do you know how to spell the type of French bread pictured?
  • Baquette
  • Baguett
  • Baguette
  • Bagette
Q23. What are Celsius and Fahrenheit both measurements of?
  • Tempurature
  • Temperture
  • Temperature
  •  Temprature

Q24. Harry’s dad made fun of him in front of his friends. How did that make Harry feel?
  • Embarrasment
  • Embarressment
  • Embarrassed
  • Embarassed

Q25. Which of these is an example of personification?
  • The fish swam across the river as if it was dancing
  • The stars winked at me
  • The alligator's teeth are white daggers
  • The blanket was as white as snow
Q26. A common grammar mistake is to mix up ‘who’s’ and ‘whose’. Which of these sentences is incorrect?
  • Who’s going to the party tonight?
  • Can you tell me who’s got my jacket?
  • Who’s books do these belong to?
  • Whose clothes are these?
Q27. What is the name for the seeded red fruit in this?
  • Pomegranite
  • Pomagranate
  • Pomegrante
  • Pomegranate
Q28. What should you use to blow your nose?
  • Handkerchief
  • Handkercheif
  • Hankerchief
  • Handkurchief
Q29. Eva is feeling very stressed, who should she go to talk to about it?
  • A psychatrist
  • A psychiatrist
  • A pyschiatrist
  • A psyciatrist
Q30. What do we call the monarchs of ancient Egypt? 
  • Pheraoh
  • Faroah
  • Pharoah
  • Pharaoh
Q31. Can you name the type of Italian ham pictured in the photo?
  • Pancetta Offline
  • Proscuito
  • Prosciutto
  • Panceta

Q32. Which of these is an example of a simile?
  • She was a hurricane in his heart
  • My love is like a red rose
  •  He was drowning in a sea of grief
  • You are my sunshine

Q33. Which of these is NOT an example of a paradox?
  • Less is more
  • The rules are, there are no rules
  • You can't save money by spending it
  • This is the beginning of the end
Q34. Jane Austen’s most famous novel is called ‘Pride and.______
  • Prejudise
  • Prejudice
  •  Prejedice Offline
  • Predjudice

Q35. What is the name for this type of dinosaur?
  • Pyterodactil
  • Pterodactyl
  • Brachiosaurus
  • Brachiosoarus
Q36. Do you know what the name is for an ear, nose and throat doctor?
  • Otorinolaryngologist
  • Otorhinolaryngologist
  • Ophthalmolagist
  • Ophthalmologist

Q37. What was Indiana Jones’ profession?
  • haeologist
  • Arkaeologist
  • Archeologist
  • Archaolagist

Q38. Knowing when to use ‘less’ and ‘fewer’ is often something people find difficult. Which of the following sentences is wrong?
  • I ate fewer apples today than yesterday
  • There’s less apples in the garden today.
  •  I get fewer hours of sleep these days
  • I cycled less than three miles today

Q39. Many English speakers mix up ‘who’ and ‘whom’. Do you know which of these sentences is incorrect?
  • I have two brothers, one of whom is a scientist
  • With whom did you go skiing today
  • Okay, who do you agree with
  •  Who’s going to the park today

Q40. Do you know the name of this underwater creature?

  • Axalotl
  • Irukandji
  • Axolotl\
  • Irjukandi

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